Industry Leading Horticultural and Viticultural Sprayers & Equipment


Achieve excellent weed control.

Keep the weeds away with a simple & easy to use TRS Herbicide sprayer. Built to last from high quality materials, the sprayer can be ordered to suit your vineyard requirements, either with or without a shrouded spray kit.

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2-Row Herbicide Sprayers

Perfect for Herbicide Vineyard Spraying

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Frequently Asked Questions

In short, the recaptured spray drift is not diluted or concentrated when recycled. When the previously branded FMR Recycling vineyard sprayer was released in 2010, the competition attacked the concept, claiming that a recycling sprayer would “spread disease” and would either “dilute spray and render them ineffective” or “concentrate sprays and cause damage”.
The accusations stopped once it became clear that they were completely incorrect (proven with over 500 R-Series sprayers operating successfully, providing huge operational savings and improving disease control for orchards and vineyards across New Zealand, Australia and North America. The competitors levelling these claims decided that if they “couldn’t beat them they’d join them” and began offering their version of a recapture sprayer. Suffice to say that the TRS R-Series remains the only proven recapture and recycling sprayer on the market in Australasia.

Easy, simply complete the contact form and we will be in touch with you to make a plan.

TRS sprayers are available from a network of approved and trained distributors located throughout New Zealand, Australia and North America. If you are outside of these regions then please fill out the contact form and include your location. We can discuss the best way to get you your TRS sprayer.

Unsure of the best model for you?

Our expert team are always happy to help. Get in touch to request a quote, product demonstration or more product information.